When Stakes are High: European Parliment elections
in Times of Polycrisis
7-8 of May, 2024, Wrocław

Political debate
7th of May, 11:30
Experts debate and panels:
EXPERTS DEBATE: EP elections in Poland: third-order election at the national level with the highest stakes at the EU level

The first expert debate of this year's conference, in which researchers and political commentators will analyse the #PrzyszłośćEuropy debate with politicians and give their predictions for the upcoming elections.
EXPERTS DEBATE: The Future of EU Democracy and Institutional Reforms after European elections

International experts and diplomats will discuss the perspective of EU reforms in light of potential enlargement. The discussion will revolve around strategic reports published in 2023, including the European Parliament report on treaty amendments; the Franco-German Report of the “Group of Twelve” and the CEPS-SWP High Level Group report “Radicality of Sunlight: Five Pathways to a more democratic Europe”.
Keynote: Defending democracy. The upcoming European Elections

Stephen Clark, Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office, will talk about the civic privilege of every European to vote in European Parliament elections. He will talk about contemporary trends that threaten democracy and how we, as European citizens, can stand up for it.
STUDENT DEBATE: Democracy without young people? Challenges of voter turnout in the European Union.

This time students will take part in the debate. "Democracy without young people? Challenges of voter turnout in the European Union." Students will discuss how to encourage the younger generation to participate in the european elections.
STUDENT DEBATE: Perspectives of lowering the voting age in the context of the European Parliment elections

After university students younger voices will take the stage. The highly commited youth of Wrocław will talk about their feelings on the voting age for the European Parliment elections.
Conference organizers